And I know this from personal experience because my car was recently stolen out of my garage at 5:03 am. The video showed it being driven away with the trunk open and an earlier video at 2:00 am showed someone trying to access my husband’s van parked in the driveway. The good news is at 5:30 am the police found my car in a midtown parking lot. So thank you Officer Mulvaney and all the police who helped find my car in just 27 minutes!
According to a recent national survey, three out of four of technology features wanted by home buyers are directly related to security: 46% would like to have security cameras; 45% would like to have a video doorbell and 40% would like a wireless home security system. My home has all these security features and yet my car was still stolen. So here is some practical advice on how to keep your home, car and you safe while living in your home. First, lock your car in the garage, take your key inside and do not leave your purse/billfold in the car with your credit cards, driver’s license, passport and keys. For an extra precaution, always take your opener out of your vehicle, particularly if you leave it parked outside. The police told us there is a gizmo you can buy on the internet which will open your garage door so buy the variable programmable opener which every time the door opens changes the code. And then be sure and use it which we neglected to do. But, the best defense is the sliding bolt. When you’re home for the evening, slide the bolt across the garage door. The police assured me this is the best weapon against garage car theft.
It is important to lock the door between the garage and the interior of your home. Municipal code may have a problem with that but I’m going to do it anyway. There is also a metal door jam called Master that you can buy online which you put underneath the door knob. The police tell me it is 99% burglar proof. They’re expensive but worth it. I have no idea if my burglars tried the door or not but I’m glad the door jam was there.
Home security technology is expensive and if my home is any example doesn’t always prevent theft. It does, however, add some emotional value. Whether or not buyers are willing to pay for security as an upgrade is yet to be determined. Although over 40% of buyers want to have security technology installed, less than 20% have on average a security camera, video doorbell or wireless security system. But it is interesting to note that in 2007, security wasn’t even on the radar screen of home buyers wants and needs.
Peaches and Hapa slept through the entire episode. So don’t count on your poodles as a burglar deterrent!
It’s a great point that the springs make the door look really light, but they are actually very healthy. My spouse and I are thinking about getting a new garage door this fall. We have noticed that our door is starting to make noises and show it’s age a bit more.